New photos from The Hobbit, The Avengers, Brave, Prometheus and Bourne: Legacy

The Hobbit - Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins

USA Today has published their look at the big movies for 2012, with brand new stills from some of the hotly anticipated titles for the next 12 months, including Jeremy Renner in The Bourne Legacy.

Along with a few titles we’ve already seen stills from, a new look at Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Noomi Rapace in Ridley Scott’s Prometheus, Chris Hemsworth (Thor) and Chris Evans (Captain America) in The Avengers, Jeremy Renner as Jason Bourne in The Bourne Legacy and a new one from Disney/Pixar’s Brave.

Check out all of their release information, with links to more details in our 2012 Release Date Calendar.

Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit

Noomi Rapace in Prometheus

Chris Hemsworth (Thor) and Chris Evans (Captain America) in The Avengers

Jeremy Renner in The Bourne Legacy

Click  below to enlarge

Disney/Pixar's Brave