Message Movie for Japan

Message Movie for Japan

As regular readers will know, Japan is near and dear to us here at The Reel Bits. No only are we lovers of their cinema output, but of the people and the culture that is an intrinsic part of those films. More than that, my closest and oldest friend, filmmaker Ivan Kovac and his wife, live in the heart of Tokyo. Like everyone they have been personally touched by the recent tragedies. For anybody that wants to be able to help out but doesn’t know what they can do, I urge you to read the following plea and follow the simple instructions. Thank you.

Richard Gray, Editor-in-chief, The Reel Bits and DVD Bits

Dear Friends,

I would like your help.

Recently we have suffered an unprecedented disaster in Japan. A 9.0 earthquake, a Tsunami with waves that made entire towns disappear off the map, and now just north of Tokyo an unprecedented nuclear situation.

Even this has effected me as part of my extended Japanese family has become refugees from the nuclear crisis. I also worked in the northern towns in Iwate. Many of these towns I worked in for the first 2/4 months of my marriage no longer exist and have been wiped off the map, and the friends I made there are most likely no longer with us. We simply don’t know yet.

There are hundreds of thousands homeless right now, in the freezing northern climates and we are all doing the best job right now to help them In material ways.

But as much as material needs Japan needs to hear a message from the world that we are not alone. That the world is thinking about us. All the victims, the tireless aid workers from japan and around the world risking their lives and all the cold and hungry refugees looking for new homes are being well thought of.

I have started with a few friends a “message movie for japan” project on Facebook whereby people from all around the world can send their short messages of support.

We also have a Twitter and our webpage is which is online now!

Wherever you are around the world I would be extremely grateful to whoever can spare the time to record a short 30 second message of support, encouragement and support to help us bring good vibes and cheer to those most affected!

Our Facebook page provides more details on how you can send us your movie:

“Message Movie For Japan”

Please visit our official website:

Thankyou and yoroshiku! And we look forward to seeing all your wonderful and creative short movies of support in the near future!


Message Movie for Japan

The Reel Bits is the cinema arm of DVD Bits. DVD Bits can be found on Twitter@DVDBits and The Reel Bits @The_ReelBits. DVD Bits is at